Sunday, July 6, 2008

salad bar challenge...

We're all familiar with the salad bar concept... where you take your plate, and pile it high with whatever combination of foods your heart desires on the occasion. Well the latest Silly String challenge is based on the salad bar concept.

Those participating were given a list of 'body parts' to choose from. That list was forwarded to their partner... who must create a being consisting of those parts, and send it to them. The 'being' must be at least 50% crochet. So I expect to see some very strange creations appearing.

I received my list today. I must create a humanoid creature with pointy ears, antennae, belly button, wings, extra legs and/or arms, flippers or webbed feet, and tattoo or tattoos. I may also choose to add a moustache, beard, unibrow, boobs, piercings, clothing, and long hair.

The mind boggles!

I made out a few sketches, just to see where I might head with this one. With that list of ingredients, it was very easy to get carried away and go all alien. But my instructions are to create a HUMANOID...

So I've ended up with this idea. She's rather fairy like, and much daintier and more feminine than what I would usually work on, but that's part of the fun. Now I just need to decide where to put her tattoo!

salad (sketch)


Jack said...

I would go around her belly button.

Myownigloo said...

I would imagine that having extra limbs would be a reason to get a lot of tattoos there!